Equity Message from Engaging Solutions, LLC

(Click here for a downloadable version)

Say their names! We are deeply saddened and impacted by the Black lives that have been lost
at the hands of excessive force by police and ruthless vigilantes across this nation. Brutality
against human beings is senseless and totally unacceptable. As we acknowledge and celebrate
Juneteenth, we see now more than ever how important it is to unveil inequities and ensure
sustainable corrective actions are executed to ensure true freedom and justice for all – Once
and For All!

We firmly believe that we must put a knee on racism, injustice, disparities, inequality and
inequities NOW! Sustainable short and long term actions must be executed to address the
inhumane challenges that our Black/African American brothers and sisters have endured for
hundreds of years. Despite the chaos that we see happening today, we see this as a promising
opportunity for our community & business leaders, families, neighbors and friends to call out
the issues and be a part of the solution.

We are encouraged by the changes that some of our community leaders have already put in
place especially regarding use of police force. Swift action is expected and appreciated.
We hope the diversity of thought and solidarity will continue and be reflected in the work that
will be done going forward to dismantle racially constructed policies, programs and cultural
barriers that stand in the way of Black/African Americans realizing their dreams, hopes and
aspirations in this America. Juneteenth marked the celebration of the end of slavery – We
must see freedom from all barriers and institutional shackles that keep Blacks enslaved.

We encourage and support our leaders who have stepped up with statements of commitment to
“do something” and applaud the efforts of those who are deliberating on changes to activate
and have made changes to abolish institutional and foundational barriers that perpetuate
inequities. We look forward to a day when the knee will be lifted and Black/African
Americans will truly benefit from the blood, sweat, lives and tears that have been sacrificed
over way too many years. Let us fully be free not just on Juneteenth but every day for
generations to come. Enough is Enough!

We urge everyone reading this message to act now to ensure we have Justice, Equity and
Peace for all Americans.

The Managing Principals of Engaging Solutions, LLC